


The general philosophy of Ashland-Greenwood schools is based on an adherence to the following objectives which will lead to its attainment:


  1. to contribute to the physical, emotional and mental well being, with special

attention to a sense of self-worth and capacity for influencing their own future


  1. to develop basic skills needed for communication, perception, evaluation and conceptualization of ideas recognized as most important are reading, writing, speaking, listening, visualizing, and computing skills.


  1. to provide access to man’s multi-cultural and multi-racial heritage.  Stimulation in intellectual curiosity and development will be promoted and encouraged.


  1. to foster the natural desire for lifelong learning and to develop skills necessary to obtain that goal.


  1. to provide knowledge and understanding of how our society functions in theory and in practice.  Education must foster each individual’s commitment to exercise the rights and responsibilities of citizenship by respecting the law and protecting the rights of others.


  1. to provide the knowledge and experiences which enable them to understand human similarities and differences advancing mutual respect for humanity and dignity of the individual.


  1. to provide skills, experiences and attitudes, ads well as guidance, to pursue higher education and employment with special emphasis on a capacity to adapt to changing conditions.


  1. to develop knowledge and understanding of the social, physical and biological worlds and the balance between them leading to an intelligent use of the environment.


  1. to discover and nurture natural talents and provide for their development through various media.


  1. to expand and advance the human dimensions of all be helping them to identify and cultivate their own spiritual, moral and ethical values, and attitudes.


  1. to provide a wide range of exploratory and socializing experiences and activities.


Adopted: November 20, 1989