Recognizing that our school district’s most valuable asset are its educators, the Board of Education of Ashland-Greenwood Public Schools acknowledges the need for the continuing evaluation of the performance of principals and school district administrators employed by Ashland-Greenwood Public Schools and requires the Superintendent to ensure that such evaluation is carried out as outlined in this policy. It shall be the responsibility of the Superintendent to develop appropriate regulations and procedures to implement this policy and to ensure that the policy, regulations, and procedures comply with Nebraska law and Nebraska Department of Education regulations regarding the evaluation of certificated personnel.  


District Mission:  Our School with family and community cooperation, promotes lifelong learning to awaken, develop, and enhance the individual potential.

A.    Purposes.   The Board recognizes two major purposes for the evaluation of the performance of principals and school district administrators:


      (1) To assist principals and school district administrators in increasing their professional effectiveness in order to improve teaching, learning, and leadership in the district’s schools.  

(2)   To assess the performance of principals and school district administrators so that the Board may make employment decisions as provided in state law. 


                 The evaluation of administrative performance is intended to be a collaborative and continuing process.   The evaluation process is based primarily on the procedures defined below which provide for a consistent and equitable appraisal of administrators’ duties and responsibilities.  They do not, however, specifically include the total range of expectations of the effective performance of the administrative duties of each administrative position or of the administrator assigned to such position.  As a result, additional data and information related to the respective administrative role may be used to generate a comprehensive appraisal.  Each administrator covered by this policy is expected to be cooperative and professional, and to exhibit a willingness to improve performance and to accept the constructive criticisms and suggestions of the evaluator.


B.     Applicability.   This policy is applicable to the following categories of certificated employees:


(1)    Principals, defined as those certificated employees whose primary assignment is to act as the chief administrator of one of the district’s schools. 

(2)     Assistant principals and other school/district administrators, defined as certificated employees whose primary assignment is to provide administrative services at the school or district level and whose job assignment requires a Nebraska administrative and supervisory certificate.     This category includes, but is not limited to assistant principals, athletic/activity directors, assistant and associate superintendents, curriculum and special services directors and coordinators at the district level, and similar administrators.

(3)    This policy does not apply to the Superintendent of schools whose evaluation shall be described in a separate policy.                        


   C.    Definitions.    For purposes of this policy, these terms are defined as follows: 


(1)    Evaluation Cycle.   The evaluation cycle is the period of time during which a full summative evaluation of an employee’s performance takes place.  The evaluation cycle for probationary principals and other administrators covered by this policy shall be one school year.  The evaluation cycle for permanent (tenured) principals and administrators covered by this policy may be up to three school years.  


(2)   Summative Evaluation.    Summative evaluation takes place near the end of the evaluation cycle and includes the assessment of all components of the evaluation process. 


(3)   Formative Evaluation.   Formative evaluation takes place at specified points within the evaluation cycle and includes the rating of some components of the evaluation process and may include a non-summative review of other components.  


(4)    On-site Observation.    Observation of a principal or school/district administrator shall be considered an on-site observation if it takes place in a location where the principal or other administrator is conducting his/her duties.  Sites of observation may include the school in which the administrator is assigned, other district sites, or sites outside of the district’s properties in which the principal or administrator is assigned to perform his/her duties.   Observation of a principal at a district-level meeting, for example, would be considered an on-site observation.


(5)    Formal On-Site Observation.    The formal on-site observation of a principal or school/district administrator shall include:  (1) advance notice to the administrator of the time and date of the observation;  (2)  a pre-observation conference with the observer;  (3) observation for a full observation period in the case of probationary employees and for a duration determined by the observer in the case of permanent administrators;  (4)  a post-observation conference with the observer, and (5)  a written report summarizing strengths and suggestions for improvement. 


(6)     Informal On-Site Observation.   Informal on-site observations are less than a full observation period in duration, but somewhat longer than a walk-through observation.  A duration of 15-20 minutes may be appropriate.   Informal observations may be pre- announced or unannounced.    They must include some oral or written feedback to the administrator, but a formal post-conference and written observation report are not required unless specific deficiencies are noted.    For example, a brief, informal conversation or e-mail exchange would suffice to meet this requirement. 


(7)     Walk-through On-Site Observation.     Walk-through on-site observations are brief school or work site visits, generally five to 10 minutes in duration for the purpose of monitoring the administrative process.   Such observations are generally unannounced and do not include a conference or required written report.   Brief oral or written feedback to the administrator may be provided at the observer’s discretion, but is not required unless specific deficiencies are noted.


(8)    Full observation period.   For purposes of formal observations of probationary administrators, the duration of the observation should be for the equivalent of a typical instructional period as listed on the normal daily schedule of the school in which the administrator is being observed.   For the purpose of formal observation of probationary administrators who do not normally work in a specific school, a full period observation shall consist of not less than 45 minutes.   For the observation of permanent administrators, the duration of the observation shall be determined by the evaluator.


(9)    Action Plan.  For purposes of principal and school/district administrator evaluation, specific student achievement and school performance results shall be assessed through the use of an Action Plan.  In collaboration with his/her evaluator, each principal or school/district administrator shall develop one or more Action Plans each school year.  The Action Plan shall consist of a problem statement, data supporting the relevancy of the problem statement, action plan goal, strategies designed to achieve the goal, and means of measuring success.  The principal/administrator will receive an annual rating based on his/her implementation of strategies designed to meet the action plan goal and his/her results in achieving the goal.


(10)  Individual Professional Development Plan.   On an annual basis, each principal or school/district administrator shall develop an Individual Professional Development Plan based on the results of his/her most current evaluation.  The plan must be developed in collaboration with his/her evaluator and consist of one or more professional development goals, strategies to achieve each the goals, and a means of measuring success. The professional development plan may be informed by stakeholder perception data.   The administrator will receive an annual rating based on his/her success in implementing the professional development strategies and achieving the goals.


(11)  Stakeholder Perception Data.   Stakeholder perception data shall be collected via school climate or stakeholder surveys at least once during each evaluation cycle for each principal or school/district administrator.  The administrator will not receive an evaluation rating based on the survey results, but the results will provide data to assist the evaluator and administrator in identifying areas of strength and areas for professional growth.   Stakeholders may include the administrator’s supervisor, students, teachers and other certificated personnel, non-certificated personnel, parents and other community members.    Stakeholder surveys may consider overall leadership practices or specific practices related to the administrator’s Action Plans.


(12) Primary and Complementary Evaluators.           All evaluators of principals and school/district administrators employed by the district shall be certificated administrators.   The primary evaluator for each administrator is that administrator’s supervisor.  In the case of administrators who are supervised by more than one supervisor, the Superintendent shall designate one supervisor as the primary evaluator.  Complementary evaluators are certificated administrators, such as assistant superintendents or district-level administrators, who have been designated to assist the primary evaluator. 


(13)   Peer Assistance.  By mutual agreement of the principal or school/district administrator and his/her primary evaluator, a peer observer may be asked to observe and provide feedback to the administrator as part of a plan for improvement.  However, the results of such observation may not be used for evaluative purposes.  


(14)   Plan for Improvement.   A rating of “Basic” in any component of a principal or school/district administrator’s formative or summative evaluation will result in the development of a specific Plan for Improvement in that component.   The Plan for Improvement will outline the reason(s) for the rating of “Basic” and provide recommendations for improvement and a timeline for implementing such recommendations. The administrator and his/her evaluator shall review progress on the Plan for Improvement at least once a semester.  


(15)  Plan of Assistance.      A rating of “Unsatisfactory” in any component of a principal or school/district administrator’s formative or summative evaluation will result in the development of a Plan of Assistance. The Plan of Assistance will include a description of the deficiencies that led to the “Unsatisfactory” rating, specific means for the correction of the deficiencies, and an adequate timeline for implementing the required improvements.   As appropriate, the plan may also include resources and sources of assistance to help the employee make the necessary corrections.  The Plan of Assistance shall be reviewed at least quarterly by the administrator and the evaluator. 


D.  Evaluative Criteria.     By adopting the evaluative criteria listed below, the Board ensures that all principals or school/district administrators are evaluated on personal and professional conduct in accordance with Nebraska Department of Education Rule 10. 


    (1)  Leadership Practice.   Leadership  practice will be evaluated based on the Effective Practices contained in the Nebraska Principal Performance Framework.     In order to develop appropriate evaluative criteria for administrators who are not principals, the Superintendent shall review the Effective Practices and make such additions, deletions, or revisions as are necessary.


  (2)  Action Plans.  The impact of a principal or school/district administrator on student achievement or school or program performance shall be evaluated based on annual Action Plans developed jointly by the administrator and his/her evaluator.  The Superintendent shall propose appropriate rubrics to assess administrator performance on such Action Plans.


  (3)  Professional Development.   The professional development of principals and school/district administrators shall be evaluated through an annual rating of the administrator’s Individual Professional Development Plan.  The Superintendent shall propose appropriate rubrics to assess performance on such plans. 


  (4) (Optional).   Additional Local Standards.  The Superintendent shall propose to the Board for adoption such additional local standards for principals and school/district administrators as may be appropriate.  


  (5)  Overall Performance.  Based on the criteria above, an overall performance rating shall be determined by the evaluator for each administrator as part of the administrator’s summative evaluation. 


E.  Levels of Performance.    The performance of principals and school/district administrators shall be rated at four levels of performance on the evaluative criteria listed below.  The ratings terms and general criteria for their application are: 

     (1) Exemplary—In the judgment of the evaluator, the principal or school/district administrator meets district performance standards for all evaluative criteria and exceeds expected performance in many respects.  He/she is actively engaged in professional improvement and provides leadership to other school/district administrators.

     (2) ProficientIn the judgment of the evaluator, the principal or school/district administrator meets district performance standards for the evaluative criteria on an overall basis and is actively engaged in professional improvement and school and district leadership efforts. 

     (3) Basic—In the judgment of the evaluator, the principal or school/district administrator meets district performance standards for most evaluative criteria and is satisfactorily participating in an improvement plan for those criteria rated below “Proficient”..  

     (4) UnsatisfactoryIn the judgment of the evaluator, the principal or school/district administrator does not meet district performance standards for a significant segment of the evaluative criteria and improvement efforts have been inadequate.


F.  Evaluation Procedures.


1.  Annual Notice.    The Superintendent shall annually ensure that principal or school/district administrators are made aware of the evaluation policy and procedures in writing by including it in an Administrative Handbook or other notice to administrators. 


2.  Evaluation Cycle/Sequence of Evaluation Activities.   A Principal/School or District Administrator Evaluation Procedures Sequence is included as an Appendix to this policy. 


(a)         Probationary Principals or School/District Administrators.    Principals or school/district administrators in probationary status shall have an annual evaluation cycle consisting of a formative evaluation during the first semester and a summative evaluation during the second semester.   Each semester’s evaluation shall include a formal observation for a full observation period as described in this policy and ratings based on the Nebraska Effective Practices and the district’s local standards.  Additional informal and walk-through observations are encouraged.   In addition, the second semester summative evaluation shall include ratings on the administrator’s Action Plan performance and, in the second probationary year and subsequently, a rating on Individual Professional Development Plan performance as well as an overall rating based on the evaluator’s judgment of the administrator’s performance on all components of the evaluation process.  


(b)         Permanent (Tenured) Principals or School/District Administrators.   Principals or school/district administrators in permanent status may have up to a three-year evaluation cycle as determined by his/her evaluator.  At any point, the evaluator can return the administrator to an annual evaluation cycle if the administrator’s performance warrants.   A three-year evaluation cycle shall include two years of annual formative evaluations and one year of summative evaluation.   The formative years shall include informal/walk-through on-site observations (as defined in this policy) with the number and duration of observations to be determined by the evaluator, a rating on Action Plan performance, a rating on Individual Professional Development Plan performance, and a rating on the district’s local standards, if applicable.   The summative year shall include, in addition to the ratings described above, at least one formal on-site observation (as defined in this policy) and conference with the duration of the observation to be determined by the evaluator,  summative ratings on the Nebraska Effective Practices, and an overall rating based on the evaluator’s judgment of the administrator’s performance on all components of the evaluation process.


3.  Gathering Evaluation data.   The district’s evaluation system is based on data from multiple measures of principal or school/district administrator performance, including but not limited to the following: 


(a)                 Direct observation of work performance. The evaluation of all principals or school/district administrators covered by this policy will be based in part on direct observation of the administrator performing his/her duties.  The Board encourages multiple observations of performance throughout the school year, including formal, informal and walk-through observations, with some observations targeted to elements of the administrator’s annual Action Plan(s). For probationary administrators, each semester’s evaluation process will include at least one formal on-site observation (as defined in this policy) for a full observation period. For permanent principals or school/district administrators, at least one formal on-site observation of performance with the duration to be determined by the evaluator shall be conducted during the summative year of the evaluation cycle.  Informal and walk-through observations with the frequency and duration to be determined by the evaluator shall be conducted during the formative years of the evaluation cycle. 

      Per Nebraska law, if deficiencies are noted in the work performance of any probationary or permanent administrator, the evaluator shall provide the administrator at the time of the observation with a list of deficiencies, a list of suggestions for improvement, assistance in overcoming the deficiencies, and follow-up evaluations and assistance when deficiencies remain.  


(b)                The collection of data/artifacts.   Evaluators shall endeavor to collect a wide variety of data regarding administrator performance including artifacts such as student, parent/community, and faculty communications,  agendas, schedules and other management communications if applicable,  student achievement data analyses, feedback to teachers following observations, and such other reports, plans, and similar documents as the evaluator determines to be relevant.


(c)                 Stakeholder perception data.   At least once during the evaluation cycle, typically during the summative year, the evaluator shall arrange for the sampling of stakeholder perception via a survey or other appropriate means.  Surveys may be developed by the district or by other entities.    The Superintendent shall approve the specific survey or other instruments to be administered and shall approve the procedures for administration. The size and composition of the sample shall be determined by the evaluator after consultation with the principal or school/district administrator. Survey procedures must ensure the privacy and confidentiality of stakeholder responses.    The principal or school/district administrator will not be rated on the survey results.  Rather, the information gathered shall be used to help the evaluator identify areas of strength and areas for professional development as well as serving as feedback for planning.  The Board encourages the gathering of stakeholder responses as part of the Action Plan and professional development processes and other administrative initiatives. 


(d)                Student achievement/ school or program performance data.  On an annual basis, principals or school/district administrators shall develop and implement Action Plans designed to improve student achievement or school or program performance.  For the 2013-14 school year, each principal or school/district administrator participating in the Nebraska Evaluation Model Pilot Project shall develop and implement one Action Plan.  For subsequent years, each principal or school/district administrator shall develop Action Plans for the school year.  The Superintendent shall develop procedures for creating, implementing, and evaluating Action Plans and shall ensure that all participating administrators and evaluators have received training in the Action Plan process.   The evaluation of Action Plans shall include an assessment of the quality and rigor of the plan, the implementation of strategies designed to achieve the plan’s goals, and the plan’s results. 


(e)                Evidence of professional development.    On an annual basis, the principal or school/district administrator shall develop and implement an Individual Professional Development Plan based on the results of the administrator’s most recent summative evaluation.   The rationale for this component is that the professional development goals and activities should arise out of professional development needs identified during the evaluation process and which are closely linked to the evaluation process.  The development of an Individual Professional Development Plan directly linked to the summative evaluation, does not preclude the existence of schoolwide professional development activities in which principals or school/district administrators are expected to participate or the creation specific individual professional development goals and activities that are not a formal part of the evaluation process.    

           In the initial two years of implementation of this evaluation system, those principals or school/district administrators in the formative year(s) of the cycle shall develop Individual Professional Development Plans in collaboration with their evaluators.  These plans will be reviewed annually, but will not receive an evaluative rating.  Following the principal or school/district administrator’s first summative evaluation, he/she will develop an IPD Plan in collaboration with his/her evaluator and will receive an evaluative rating on progress in achieving the goals contained in the plan at the end of the following year and each year subsequently.  The Individual Professional Development Plan will be revised annually based on evaluation results. 

           The Superintendent shall develop procedures for creating, implementing, and evaluating Individual Professional Development Plans and shall ensure that all participating administrators and evaluators have received training in the Individual Professional Development Plan process.    The evaluation of the Individual Professional Development Plan shall include an assessment of the quality and rigor of the professional development goals, the implementation of strategies designed to achieve the goals, and the plan’s results. 


(f)                  Self-assessment/reflection.  Self-assessment and reflection is a component of the evaluation system.  The Superintendent shall develop or adopt appropriate procedures and documents for such a process for teachers/educational specialists.


 4.  Conferences and Reports.   The Board encourages frequent conferences and the sharing of both oral and written feedback between principals or school/district administrators and evaluators. Observation conferences should focus on the Effective Practices contained in the Nebraska Principal Performance Framework and such other performance standards as may be relevant.     Formal on-site observations (as defined in this policy) require a pre-conference, post-conference and written observation report; informal on-site observations require some type of oral or written feedback but not a full post-conference and report, and walk-through on-site observations do not require feedback. For any on-site observation, a conference and written report is required if specific deficiencies are noted.  Conferences to review progress on Action Plans and conferences to reviewing progress on each administrator’s Individual Professional Development Plan should be held at intervals throughout the year.  The Procedures Sequence (Appendix I) suggests appropriate times for these.   For probationary principals or school/district administrators, a formative evaluation conference and the completion of the formative evaluation document is to be held near the end of the first semester of each probationary year.  A summative evaluation conference and completion of the summative evaluation document is to be held during the second semester of each probationary year.  For a permanent principal or school/district administrator, formative evaluation conferences and the completion of the formative evaluation document are to be held near the end of each formative evaluation year.   A summative evaluation conference and the completion of the summative evaluation document is to be held during the second semester of the summative evaluation year.    A copy of any written feedback prepared in conjunction with observations and conferences shall be shared with the principal or school/district administrator and retained as part of the administrator’s evaluation file.   However, this provision shall not require evaluators to share notes or other work product that do not become part of the employee’s evaluation file.


5.  Procedures for addressing deficiencies in performance.    If deficiencies are noted in any observation, the evaluator is to provide the principal or school/district administrator at the time of the observation with a list of the deficiencies, a list of suggestions for improvement, and assistance in overcoming the deficiencies, and follow-up evaluations and assistance when deficiencies remain. A description of the deficiencies and suggestions for improvement shall be provided both orally and in writing by the evaluator in a timely fashion following the observation and a copy of this report shall be retained as part of the administrator’s evaluation file.   The principal or school/district administrator shall acknowledge receipt of the evaluator’s report.

                 A rating of “Basic” in any component of a principal or school/district administrator’s formative or summative evaluation will result in a specific Plan for Improvement in that component.   The Plan for Improvement will outline the reason(s) for the rating of “Basic” and provide recommendations for improvement and a timeline for implementing such recommendations.  The Plan for Improvement shall be reviewed by the principal or school/district administrator and his/her evaluator at least once per semester.   An overall rating of “Basic” on a summative evaluation will require, in addition to an overall Plan for Improvement, that the principal or school/district administrator be placed on an annual summative evaluation cycle.

                 A rating of “Unsatisfactory” in any component of a principal or school/district administrator’s formative or summative evaluation will result in the development of a Plan of Assistance. The plan will include a description of the deficiencies that led to the “Unsatisfactory” rating, specific means for the correction of the deficiencies, and an adequate timeline for implementing the required improvements.   As appropriate, the plan may also include resources and sources of assistance to help the employee make the necessary corrections.   The Plan of Assistance shall be reviewed at least quarterly by the principal or school/district administrator and the evaluator to determine progress in correcting the deficiencies noted.  Principals or school/district administrators participating in a Plan of Assistance shall receive a summative evaluation based on the relevant components once per semester.   

                 The Superintendent shall develop procedures and documents to be used for implementing Plans for Improvement and Plans of Assistance.


6.  Written response.  Principals or school/district administrators may submit a written response to any formative or summative evaluation document, observation report, or any other written report which has become part of their evaluation file.  Such responses shall be attached to the document being responded to and shall be retained in the evaluation file. Responses shall be filed within 60 days of the receipt of the original evaluation document.


7.  Training of Evaluators.   All of the district’s evaluators shall possess a valid Nebraska Administrative and Supervisory Certificate and be trained in the use of the evaluation system and its forms and procedures.  The Superintendent shall determine the nature of appropriate training for evaluators and arrange for all evaluators to receive such training prior to participating in evaluations.


8.  Development and revision of documents.   The Superintendent shall be responsible for the development and revision of forms and documents necessary to implement this policy.  The development and revision of such forms and procedures will not require Board approval. 


9.  Appendices:


Appendix I:  Principal/School or District Administrator Evaluation Procedures Sequence 


Adopted March 20, 2006

Revised:  November 21, 2011

Revised:  June 17, 2013












































The Nebraska Leadership Committee has recommended a Principal or School/District Administrator  evaluation cycle of up to three years.   Below are the sequences of activities required to evaluate probationary administrators twice per year and permanent (tenured) administrators on a two- or three-year cycle.  Note that Principals or School/District Administrators performing at a less than proficient level can be moved to a semester-long or year-long cycle at any time by making the timeline adjustments accordingly.   Note that Action Plans are developed at the beginning of the year and evaluated at the end of the year; Individual Professional Development Plans (IPDP) are developed at the end of the year following a summative evaluation and evaluated at the end of the following year.  This is because IPD plans are linked to the result of the previous evaluation. 




Semester 1 Activities:

Semester 2 Activities:

  • Self-assessment/reflection on leadership practices
  • Action Plan goal-setting (conference with evaluator)
  • Individual Professional Development Plan beginning of year  review (Years 2 and 3)
  • On-site observation (minimum full instructional period)
  • Provide list of deficiencies/suggestions at time of observation (if applicable)
  • Review of data/artifacts
  • First semester formative evaluation (Conference): 
    • Ratings on 8 Effective Practices.
    • Review progress on Action Plan.
    • Review Individual Professional Development Plan (Years 2 and 3)
    • Rating on local standards (optional)
    • Complete formative evaluation document.
  • Improvement plan/plan of assistance (if applicable)
  • On-site observation (minimum full instructional period)
  • Provide list of deficiencies/suggestions (if applicable)
  • Review of data/artifacts
  • Gather stakeholder perception data
  • Reflective Summary by Principal
  • Second semester summative evaluation: 
    • Ratings on 8 Effective Practices.
    • Rating on Action Plan.
    • Rating on Individual Professional Development Plan (Years 2 and 3)
    • Rating on local standards (optional)
    • Overall rating for evaluation cycle.
    • Complete summative evaluation document.
  • Develop Individual Professional Development Plan for upcoming year.
  • Improvement plan/plan of assistance (if applicable)






  • Self-assessment/reflection on leadership practices
  • Action Plan development (conference with evaluator)
  • Review of Individual Professional Development Plan (from prior year)
  • On-site observation (optional; length determined by evaluator)
  • Provide list of deficiencies/suggestions at time of observation (if applicable)
  • Review of data/artifacts  
  • Mid-year conference to review Action Plan and Individual Professional Development Plan
  • Reflective Summary
  • End-Year Formative Evaluation (Conference):
    • Rating on Action Plan.
    • Rating on Individual Professional Development Plan.
    • Rating or review of local standards (optional)
    • Complete formative evaluation document.
  • Develop/revise Individual Professional Development Plan for next year.


  • If performance warrants, move to semester or yearly summative evaluation cycle.
  • Self-assessment/reflection on leadership practices
  • Action Plan development (conference with evaluator)
  • Review of Individual Professional Development Plan (from prior year)
  • On-site observation (required;  length of observation determined by evaluator)
  • Provide list of deficiencies/suggestions at time of observation (if applicable)
  • Review of data/artifacts  
  • Mid-year conference to review Action Plan and Individual Professional Development Plan
  • Gather stakeholder perception data
  • Reflective Summary
  • End-Year Summative Evaluation (Conference):
    • Ratings on 8 Effective Practices
    • Rating on Action Plan.
    • Rating on Individual Professional Development Plan.
    • Rating on local standards (optional)
    • Overall rating for cycle.
    • Complete summative evaluation document.
  • Develop/revise Individual Professional Development Plan for next year.
  • Improvement plan/plan of assistance (if applicable)
  • Continue multi-year cycle or move to more frequent summative cycle if performance warrants.

















The written procedures for the certificated evaluation school board policy includes:

_____     007.06A1a Provide for communicating the evaluation procedure annually, in writing, to those being evaluated

_____     007.06A1b A description of the duration and frequency of observations and written evaluations for probationary and permanent certificated employees

                   _____     Duration of observation for probationary certificated employees

                   _____     Frequency of observations and evaluations for probationary certificated employees

                   _____    Duration of observation for permanent certificated employees

                   _____     Frequency of observations and evaluations for permanent certificated employees

                   _____     Superintendent evaluation twice during the first year of employment and at least once annually thereafter pursuant to §79-8828(2)

_____     007.06A1c Contain criteria for certificated employee evaluation which includes:

                   _____     007.06A1c(1) instructional performance (applicable to teachers only)

                   _____     007.06A1c(2) classroom organization and management (applicable to teachers only)

                   _____     007.06A1c(3) personal and professional conduct

_____     007.06A1d Provide for written communication to the teacher specifying:

                   _____     (1) deficiencies

                   _____     (2) a means for correcting the deficiencies

                   _____     (3) a timeline for implementing the suggested improvements

_____     007.06A1e Provide for a written certificated employee response to the evaluation

_____     007.06A1f A description of the district plan for training evaluators

_____     Copies of the board certificated employee evaluation policy, the evaluation model (procedures), and the board minutes approving the policies and procedures have been submitted.

Adopted: June 17, 2013