




Certified Personnel


Appointment of Professional Personnel




Certificated Employee Resignation


A certificated employee who wishes to be released from his/her contract shall immediately deliver a written and signed notice of resignation to the office of the superintendent.  A request for release from contract submitted before May 1 of the current school year requesting release for the upcoming school year shall be accepted by the board without any conditions. 


Any certificated employee who wishes to be released from his/her contract should consider the difficulty of securing an adequate replacement for the district and disruption to the educational program.  A late resignation greatly increases this difficulty and disruption.


No request for release after May 1 shall be guaranteed.  The superintendent, upon reviewing the request and its impact on the district, shall forward the request to the board with an appropriate recommendation.


The board shall make the final determination regarding the request but shall have no obligation to approve the employee's early release from contract.


The board may request the employee to continue as a member of the staff and to fulfill the terms of his/her contract.  The early release, if allowed, will become effective at the end of the school year in which it is submitted.  If the employee has requested the release to become effective at an earlier date than the end of the school year, the board may consider it on an individual basis.


An employee's refusal to fulfill his/her contract shall be cause for the district to request a revocation of certification by the Nebraska Department of Education.



Legal Reference: Nebraska R.R.S 79-817 – 79-822 – Employment Contracts

                             Nebraska R.R.S. 79-829 – “Continuing Contract Law


Adopted:  February 4, 2008