


Evaluation of Certificated Personnel


Certificate Personnel


Statement of Purpose


The Ashland-Greenwood Board of Education is committed to providing the best educational program for the students of Saunders County District 0001. The Board recognizes that to facilitate this commitment, a sound program of teacher appraisal must be established and implemented. The appraisal of teaching service shall have the purpose of advancing:


...instructional improvement and the provision of support services for students

...professional growth which is supportive of district goals and objectives

...implementation of district goals and objectives

...effective and appropriate staffing decisions.


The Board recognizes that the teaching process is complex and that the appraisal of this process is a difficult and technical function. Appraisal of teacher performance must be a cooperative, continuing process designed to improve the quality of instruction. The teacher shares with those who work with him/her the responsibility for the development and maintenance of professional standards and attitudes regarding the appraisal process.


The Board delegates responsibility to the Superintendent to work with the professional staff to develop and implement a system-wide program for evaluation of certificated personnel.




Evaluation instruments shall be designed primarily for the improvement of instruction and shall include: (1) instructional performance, (2) classroom organization and management, (3) professional conduct, and (4) personal conduct. The standards for measurement in each of these four areas shall be consistent with the district's mission and instructional objectives in Board Policy 0200.


The teacher assessment and development system shall describe the process to be used for evaluation. Probationary teachers shall have a formal evaluation a minimum of once each semester for at least one full instructional period. Tenured staff will have at least one formal classroom observation at least once every year for at least one full instructional period. All teachers will be summatively evaluated annually. A copy of the teacher evaluation system will be made available to certificated staff as a section in the faculty handbook. The evaluation procedure will be reviewed annually with certificated personnel prior to September 1st.


The teacher assessment and development system shall also provide: (1) for documenting the evaluation, (2) for written communication to the evaluated teacher on all noted deficiencies, specific means for correction of the noted deficiencies, and an adequate timeline for implementing the concrete suggestions for improvement, (3) for the teacher to offer written response to the evaluation, and (4) that training for evaluators be provided by the Ashland-Greenwood Public Schools.





All evaluators shall possess a valid Nebraska Administrative Certificate and shall be trained to use the evaluation system employed by the district. Such training shall be provided by the district for evaluators in the district, and/or may be provided with assistance from ESU, qualified educational consultants or higher education personnel, provided that the training is unique to the evaluation system used by the Ashland-Greenwood Public Schools.


The superintendent shall recommend to the Board of Education the renewal or non-renewal of the continuing contract personnel within the provision of state statutes. These recommendations and subsequent actions will be governed by the appropriate State of Nebraska Revised and Reissued Statutes.


Legal Reference: R.R.S. 79-824-842


Adopted: August 16,1993


Revised and Adopted: July 16, 2001