






The board of education in accordance with statutory provisions may enter into negotiations with its employees.


The right of employees to join organizations of their own choice and to be represented by such organizations in their employment relations with the school district is recognized; no employee, however, shall be compelled to join such an organization and individual employees shall have the right to individually represent themselves in their employment relations.


The board shall not be required to meet or confer with representatives of an organization of employees unless a majority of the members of the board determines to recognize such an organization; any such recognition shall be and shall remain in effect for a period of one year.


A representative organization shall give to the school board a written request to meet and confer regarding terms and conditions of employment with employees.  The request to meet and confer shall specify the areas to be discussed by the parties.  The board shall have thirty days in which to accept or reject in whole or in part, and shall give written notice of its decision.  If the board accepts the request, the first meeting shall be held within twenty-one days after such acceptance.





Legal Reference:            R.R.S.

48-837  Public Employees; employee organizational bargaining.




Adopted:  October 4, 1983

Revised:  November 7, 1991