





Professional employees are expected to be in attendance at meetings which are announced by the superintendent and by authorized administrative and supervisory personnel except when a meeting is designated as an optional meeting.  Legitimate reasons for absence from meetings shall be the same as those recognized as legitimate reasons for absence from regular duty.


Meetings announced by administrative and supervisory personnel may be scheduled before the regular school day begins, during the school day, after dismissal of classes in the afternoon or during evening hours provided reasonable notice of meetings is given.  Attendance may be required.


In scheduling meetings of professional employees regarding the discharge of employee duties, the intent of the board is that administrative and supervisory personnel shall exercise every possible means to schedule meetings in such a manner as to cause the least possible interference with classroom instructional time.


Administrative and supervisory personnel are authorized to require attendance of teachers at meetings held within the district and to approve attendance at meetings held outside the district when such meetings are judged to be necessary for the conduct of the business of the school district.





Adopted:  October  04, 1983