




Student Residence. Admission and Contracting for Educational Services



1. This school district shall admit upon request without charge provided other admission requirements are met, under the following circumstances:


(a)     all students who reside within the boundaries of the school district or a student with at least one of the student’s parents residing in the district.


(b)      a student residing in the school district who is a ward of the state or a ward of any court, or who is living in a residential setting, as provided by law.


(c)     Upon request, a homeless student as defined in board policy.


(d)     Upon request, a student who is residing in a residential setting not located in this school district, provided that the student is residing in the residential setting for reasons other than to receive an education, such residential placement is located in a school district other than this school district, and the student resided in this school district immediately prior to the time the student was placed in a residential setting.  In such circumstances, this school district will contract with the school district in which such residential setting is located, to extent required by law, for the provision of educational services to the student.



2. The Board of Education may determine to admit non-resident students under the following circumstances:


(a)  Upon request of a student whose residency in the district ceases during a school year to continue attending school in the school district for the remainder of that school year, at the discretion of the Superintendent.


(b)  Pursuant to a contract with the resident school district, provided it is a Nebraska school district, where the non-resident student is a resident upon collection of tuition pursuant to such contract.


(c)  Pursuant to the option enrollment program as authorized by Neb. Rev. Stat. § 79-232 to 79-246, such admission being without charge.


(d) Upon request of a student from another state and the approval of the Superintendent, upon collection of tuition at a rate determined by the Board of Education.



Legal Reference: Neb. Rev. Stat. § 79-215  Students; admissions; tuition; persons exempt; department; duties.



Adopted:  October 4, 1983

Revised: August 7, 2000

Revised: December 3, 2001