








School Wellness Policy


The District adopts the following School Wellness Policy:


1.                   Goals to Promote Student Wellness


The following goals are established for nutrition education, physical activity, and other school-based activities that are designed to promote student wellness in a manner that the District determines to be appropriate:


a.                   Nutrition Education


The school district shall:


                                             i.            Promote eating a healthy breakfast as a part of student wellness including the promotion of the school breakfast programs.      

                                           ii.            Integrate nutrition education throughout the curriculum and coordinate it with the food service program.

                                          iii.            Create a common nutrition language for students and staff regarding the nutritional value of foods.

                                          iv.            Increase the availability and encourage the selection of healthy food choices in classrooms and vending machines rather than serving foods of limited nutritional value.

                                            v.            Encourage staff to model good nutritional habits in the types of foods brought into the staff lounges, and served and eaten by staff at school.


b.                   Physical Activity


The school district shall:


                                             i.            Increase the amount of time students spend in physical activity before, during and after school. (i.e. walking programs, no-sit recesses, classroom stretching programs).

                                           ii.            Make physical education available to all students K-12 all year on at least an every other day basis.

                                          iii.            Consider and implement as feasible a non-competitive intra-mural activities program for middle school-high school students.

                                          iv.            Promote community physical activity programs such as JJYB, AYBA, Junior Wrestling, soccer, dance, etc. to all students.


c.                   Other School Activities


The school district shall:


                                       i.                  Provide information and implement programs when feasible to educate parents about student wellness.

                                     ii.                  Promote good nutrition and student wellness to parents through placing healthy eating tips on school lunch publications and through the school website.

                                    iii.                  Continue to implement programs in cooperation with community organizations to promote student wellness. (i.e. WAIT Training, DARE Programs, etc.).





2.                   Nutrition Guidelines

The following nutrition guidelines are selected by the District for all foods available for students in each school building during the school day with the objectives of promoting student health and reducing childhood obesity:


a.    Elementary Schools


The school food service program will approve and provide all food and beverage sales to students in elementary schools.  Elementary classroom teachers may permit the serving of food not provided by the school food service program for student birthdays, classroom parties and special events.


b.   Middle Schools and High Schools


Foods prohibited by the USDA under 7 CFR 210 shall not be sold or made available to students during the school day starting 30 minutes prior to the start of the breakfast program through the 3:30 PM dismissal time. This includes a prohibition on vending these foods through vending machines, snack bars, concession stands, school stores, through student fundraising activities, in the school lunch program and at classroom parties and special events.


3.                   Assurance for Reimbursable School Meals

The District gives the assurance that the District’s guidelines for reimbursable school meals shall not be less restrictive than regulations and guidance issued by the Secretary of Agriculture pursuant to subsections (a) and (b) of section 10 of the Child Nutrition Act (42 U.S.C. 1779) and sections 9(f)(1) and 17(a) of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1758(f)(1), 1766(a)), as those regulations and guidance apply to schools.


4.                   Plan for Measuring Implementation and Designation of Responsible Persons

A student wellness policy committee consisting of parents, students, representatives of the nutrition services department, the school board, school administration and the public shall meet annually to review the implementation of the school wellness policy.  The committee shall examine student obesity percentages, student nutritional habits, student physical activity participation and other issues related to the implementation of this policy to measure the policy's effectiveness. The committee shall present a report of its findings to the board of education.


The Superintendent of Schools or his or her designee shall have responsibility to implement plans and programs to carry out the goals of the student wellness policy.


5.                   Development of Policy

The District assures that development of the Wellness Policy involved parents, students, representatives of the District’s nutrition services department, the school board, school administrators, and the public.  The policy shall become effective on the June 1, 2006.



Legal Source:    The Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004; 42 USC 1751




Adopted: January 16, 2006.

Revised: May 21, 2007

Revised: October 18, 2010





(a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than the first day of the school year beginning after June 30, 2006, each local educational agency participating in a program authorized by the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1751 et seq.) or the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 (42 U.S.C. 1771 et seq.) shall establish a local school wellness policy for schools under the local educational agency that, at a minimum—

(1) includes goals for nutrition education, physical activity, and other school-based activities that are designed to promote student wellness in a manner that the local educational agency determines is appropriate;

(2) includes nutrition guidelines selected by the local educational agency for all foods available on each school campus under the local educational agency during the school day with the objectives of promoting student health and reducing childhood obesity;

(3) provides an assurance that guidelines for reimbursable school meals shall not be less restrictive than regulations and guidance issued by the Secretary of Agriculture pursuant to subsections (a) and (b) of section 10 of the Child Nutrition Act (42 U.S.C. 1779) and sections 9(f)(1) and 17(a) of the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1758(f)(1), 1766(a)), as those regulations and guidance apply to schools;

(4) establishes a plan for measuring implementation of the local wellness policy, including designation of 1 or more persons within the local educational agency or at each school, as appropriate, charged with operational responsibility for ensuring that the school meets the local wellness policy; and

(5) involves parents, students, representatives of the school food authority, the school board, school administrators, and the public in the development of the school wellness policy.