






Student publications are important elements of the instructional program and contribute directly to the accomplishment of the schools' goals.  The board wishes to support the development of student-produced school newspapers, annuals, and magazines.


Freedom of speech and of expression in student publications as guaranteed by the First Amendment is to be observed by the administration and faculty.  Freedom, however, does not confer upon students a license to destroy the school itself.  Therefore, it is incumbent upon the professional staff to define the limits of students' freedom of speech respecting school affairs to protect the state's compelling interest in maintaining a school atmosphere conducive to an orderly program of learning.


Freedom of expression in our schools will be interpreted as including, but not being contrary to

1.  development of student responsibility in distinguishing between freedom and license.


2.  consideration by the faculty of the maturity levels of students and of appropriate standards of journalistic taste.


3.  care for the development of skills of written expression among students.

The regulation of student publications will be vested with the principal and with provisions for direct appeal successively to the superintendent and to the board.



Adopted:  June 4, 1990