







School homework should be related to the school's aims or philosophy of education. The assignment of homework is encouraged when it can be seen to be beneficial to the student.



Adopted:  June 4, 1990










No hard and fast rule concerning homework is made. Some generally accepted principles should govern the teacher in the assignment of homework.


1.   There should be flexibility and differences in the assignments to individual students. These should stem from real needs and the consideration of the total educational background of the individual student.


2.       Homework should serve a definite purpose: to provide drill or practice on a principle or skill already taught; to provide real life application of the matter in hand; to develop appreciation for culture of the student.


3.    Homework should be used as a technique for learning. “Busy work” turned in by the pupil and discarded by the teacher does not further learning; it merely inspires resentment and lessens the effectiveness of the teacher.


4.       Homework should not be assigned as punishment.


5.    Homework should not be used to replace or reduce supervised study, which should take place during school hours.


6.       Homework is usually more effective if a conference with the parent results in understanding of purpose and ways in which help at home can best be offered.


7.    Responsibility for homework in the elementary school should gradually increase for grades one through five. Elementary teachers should explain that parents can supplement school instruction by helping .pupils drill on their spelling words, number combinations, encouraging them to read at home, and engaging in discussion of school lessons.