


Internal Board Policies/Personnel


Use of Public Office, Confidential Information, or School Personnel, Resources, or Funds for Financial Gain or for the purpose of Campaigning for or Against the nomination or election of a Candidate or the Qualification. Passage. or Defeat of a Ballot Issue.


No member of the Board of Education or administrator or other employee of the School District shall use or authorize the use of, for personal financial gain, financial gain of a member of his or her immediate family, or financial gain of a business with which he/she is associated, other than compensation as provided by law, his/her public office, or confidential information received through such office, or school personnel, resources, or funds for financial gain, or for purposes of campaigning for or against the nomination or election or a candidate or the qualification, passage, or defeat of a ballot issue under that person's care or control other than in accordance with prescribed constitutional, statutory, and regulatory procedures.




Adopted: December 3, 2001