

Internal Board Policies


Methods of Operation



The board exercises authority over the school in accordance with applicable laws. It determines policy, delegate’s executive, supervisory and instructional authority to its employees, and appraises the results achieved by comparison with the goals of the school system.


The board shall concern itself primarily with broad questions of policy and with the appraisal of results, rather than with administrative details. The application of policies is an administrative task to be performed by the superintendent and members of the superintendent's staff; the superintendent shall be held responsible for the effective and efficient administration and supervision of the entire school system.


All matters to be submitted to the board shall first be submitted to the superintendent for the superintendent's consideration and recommendations.  If these matters require board action, they shall be presented to the board by the superintendent.



Legal Reference:  R. R. S.

79-526 Class I, II, III, IV, or Vi school district; school board schools; supervision and control.

79-520 Class III school district; board of education selection of officers; rules and regulations; compensations.




Adopted: November 7, 1983