


Internal Board Policies 


Types of Meetings



Regular Meetings


Regular Meetings may be of two kinds:  business or educational. The latter kind may be held for the purpose of reviewing and evaluating the school program or for the development and discussion of policy.  (9361.1)



Special Meetings


Meetings may be called by the president of the board or any two members of the board.  No business shall be transacted in a special meeting except that for which the meeting is called or that of an emergency nature. (936l.2)



Adjourned Sessions


Such sessions shall serve as a continuation of a regular or special meeting, and not as a new regular or special meeting. (9361.1)


Legal Reference:  R. R. S.

79-554 Class I, II, III, or VI school district; school board; quorum; meetings; open to public.

79-555 Class III school district; board of education; meetings; when held

84-1407-84-1414 Open meeting law



Adopted: November 07, 1983