

Bylaws of the Board


Management of Bank Accounts



Every two (2) years, the board shall designate and/or review the depositories and investment accounts for all school funds. All funds received by the district shall be deposited promptly in the proper account of such depositories. The safeguarding of all funds shall be insured in accordance with the Revised and Reissued Statutes of the State of Nebraska.



Legal Reference:  R.R.S.

77-2350      School district or township funds; deposits; conditions

77-2350.01 School district or township funds; prorate deposits; when.

77-2350.02 School district or township treasurer; violation; penalty.

77-2351      Treasurers; when not liable on bond.

                                    77-2352      School district or township funds; security requirements.

77-2386-73-23,106         Public Funds Deposit Security Act




Adopted: November 4, 1983

Revised:  August 6, 1990

Revised: February 4, 2008