Board Bylaws


Designated Method of Giving Notice of Meetings



The designated methods of giving advance notice of meetings of the Board of Education of the Ashland-Greenwood School District shall be by publication or by posting.  If notice is given by posting, such notice shall be given by posting notice in at least three (3) public places throughout the school district.  The school house door, the post office, and a local bank are designated posting places, though other or different places at which the public may reasonably be notified are also designated as permissible places.


Notice shall be given a reasonable time in advance of the meeting.  Two (2) days advance notice shall be considered sufficient. 


For an emergency meeting, notice shall not be required to be given; however, the Board will complete minutes for such an emergency meeting as required by law.  An emergency has been defined as any event or occasional combination of circumstances which calls for immediate action or remedy; pressing necessity; exigency; a sudden or unexpected happening; an unforeseen occurrence or condition.


The Secretary of the Board of Education, or the Secretary's designee, shall maintain a list of the news media requesting notification of meetings and shall make reasonable efforts to provide advance notification to such news media of the time and place of each meeting and the subjects to be discussed at the meeting.

















Legal Reference:         Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 79-554; 79-555 and 84-1411



Date of Adoption:      [March 5, 2012]