Chain of Command Response Team Communications General Responses Bldg & Room Evac
Off Campus Evac Lockdown Fire Chemical Spills Power Outage
Winter Storm Tornado Flooding Assaults Intruders/Hostages
After Hours Disturbance Death Vicious Animal Building Security Safety Supplies



Ashland-Greenwood Public Schools

Ashland, NE

    1. Additional Response Information for Specific Types of Emergencies :
      1. Natural and Accidental Disasters :
        1. Fire :
          1. If you observe a fire, activate the nearest fire alarm pull station.
          2. Send a runner to the Principal's office or call in the information if a phone or radio is available.
          3. Have students close all doors and windows as they evacuate the room. The teacher should lead the students from the room.
          4. Maintenance/Custodial Staff is responsible for locating the fire and directing the fire department to that location.
          5. If a fire is small, personnel may use a fire extinguisher to stop the fire. Do not risk personal injury or the safety of students to fight a fire.
        1. Chemical Spill/Toxic Fumes :
          1. Spill/Fumes Outside the School Building : Warning of chemical accident or contamination is usually received from civil authorities when there is a threat to the safety of the school. These accidents may include overturned tankers, broken fuel lines, and those related to the industrial use of chemicals.
            1. When the reported accident occurs, the following procedure is required:
              1. Keep students and staff inside.
              2. Close and secure windows and doors.
              3. Administration should notify custodian to disable air ventilation system, if necessary, and meet with any fire crew called to the school.
              4. Call 911 to ensure community emergency response personnel are aware of the spill or fumes.
              5. If spill or fumes are observed or detected, school personnel should contact the school office immediately.
              6. The Administration or incident commander should determine whether the students are more safe in a Lockdown or Campus Evacuation procedure.
              7. If possible, move crosswind, never directly with or against the wind, if it is necessary to evacuate the area.
              8. Make sure students and staff do not come into contact with spilled material.
              9. Students should be moved away from classrooms with windows near the spills.

(2) Spill/Fumes Inside the School Building : In order to prevent spills in a building, staff should limit the use of hazardous materials in the school. If a toxic spill takes place inside the school building or facility and /or fumes occur in the school building or facility, the following procedures should be followed:

            1. Call 911 if you know a hazardous material is involved.
            2. Call the office to notify the Administration of the spill and fumes.
            3. Administration will notify building occupants by the school intercom system.
            4. Administration should notify custodian to disable air ventilation system, if necessary, and meet with any fire crew called to the school.
            5. Isolate the area and move students to another area to prevent injury or exposure.
            6. If potential fire or explosive hazard exists, evacuate the building immediately.
              1. Do not use exit routes near the hazardous area.
              2. Evacuate to safe area. This means a distance of at least 500 feet away upwind.
              3. Do not return to area until directed to do so by authorized personnel.
        1. Power Outage/Blackout : In the event of a building-wide power outage or blackout, the following procedures should be followed:
          1. Teachers with classes are to remain in the classroom with students and await further instructions. Students should not be released during normal passing time.
          2. No student movement should take place until directed to do so by an administrator or other person in authority.
          3. Office personnel should report the loss of power to:
            1. OPPD at 1 – 800 –922-6773
            2. Superintendent’s Office
          1. All teachers who do not have class assignments should report to the office to determine if their assistance is needed in or about the building.
          2. If the power failure occurs during the lunch period, all teachers who do not have students assigned to them at the time, should report to the cafeteria to assist with supervision.
        1. Winter Storm : School personnel should be sensitive to the dangers winter weather can pose to children and prepare accordingly. Winter weather procedures should include:
          1. The administration should monitor weather on a continuing basis. In the event of threatening weather the administration should monitor the internet, Weather Radio and/or commercial radio and television for local weather updates and predictions.
          2. During winter months children should stay inside during inclement weather, and when:
            1. The temperature or wind chill factor is 20 degrees Fahrenheit or colder.
            2. Precipitation or playground conditions warrant staying inside.
            3. School building should be open to students as early as possible during cold weather.
            4. Staff may allow, at their discretion and using good judgment to assure the safety of all children, students to play outside for very brief periods even if the wind chill is below 20 degrees.
        1. Tornado Safety :
          1. Evacuate room to adjacent hallway, if possible. If not possible, move students away from doors and windows.
          2. Initiate the duck, cover and hold procedure after evacuating the room.
          3. Teachers do not have to wait for the Room Evacuation alarm to sound before starting the Room Evacuation procedure.
          4. Teachers should train students in the duck and cover procedure.
            1. If indoors...
              1. DUCK - drop to the floor.
              2. COVER - in a bent, crouched-over position, bury your face in the crook of your elbow, and place the other hand over the back of the neck.
            2. If outdoors...
              1. Get away from buildings. Stay clear of walls, power poles, trees, loose wires, and metal fences.
              2. Lie flat on the ground and bury your face in the crook of one elbow while placing the other hand over the back of the neck.
            3. If on a school bus...
              1. Where possible, the driver will pull out of traffic and park at the curb.
              2. Students will drop in the aisles or under the seats for protection.
              3. After checking for injury to students and damage to the bus, the driver will attempt communication with the Director of Transportation.
              4. If communication and travel are not possible, the driver will remain with the students and supervise them until such time as they are released by the Director of Transportation or school administration.


        1. Flooding :
          1. School Buildings : In the event of the flooding of a school building, the Off-Campus Evacuation procedures shall be followed, and an alternative site for conduct of school operation shall be established as soon as practicable by the administration and Board of Education.
          2. Highways and Roads : In the event of flooding of highways and roads in the school district, the administration shall determine whether it is safe for school to be open and, if so, whether buses will run on regular or alter routes. The administration shall inform parents, students and staff through the protocol used for severe weather.
      1. Protection of Students and Staff from Acts of Others :
        1. Assaults : The person observing an assault should follow the following procedures:
          1. Report the incident to the main office in the most expeditious manner (intercom, messenger, phone, etc.).
          2. Defuse the situation and seek to protect others, but avoid risk of physical injury to anyone; such avoidance may include physical restraint of a person.
          3. Deal with immediate medical emergencies by offering first aid or summoning an aid unit and police as appropriate.
          4. Do not leave assailants or victims by themselves.
          5. Determine if it is appropriate to maintain custody of participants.
          6. Take the names of all parties, including bystanders or witnesses. Designate a staff member to take such action if it is necessary for you to leave the scene.
          7. Report all assaults occurring on district properties immediately to the Administration
          8. All assaults will be reported to the police.


        2. Bomb Threats :
          1. The person receiving the bomb threat call should engage the caller in a conversation to get as much information as possible:
            1. Ask what time the bomb is set to go off.
            2. Ask questions regarding the specific location, building, room, closet, locker, hallway, etc.
            3. Ask about the appearance of the bomb package.
            4. Listen for background noise, e.g., jukebox, radio, other people, traffic sounds, etc.
            5. Was the caller calm or hysterical?
            6. Was the caller's voice young or old?
            7. Notify your Principal or the Superintendent.
          1. The Superintendent will call the police and declare an emergency and may initiate a Room Evacuation procedure of the appropriate buildings or full campus.
          2. School personnel are to remain out of the threatened building. The police will conduct the bomb search.
          3. Any student or personnel who believes a box or other type of container to be suspicious should not touch the item and should immediately report it to the School Principal or Superintendent.
          4. The area where the suspect device is located will be cleared by at least 200 feet.
          5. School personnel are to keep away from the suspect device and allow the police to deal with it.
        1. Intruder or Hostage Situation - Generally : In the event of an intruder or hostage situation in a school building or on school grounds, school personnel shall follow the following procedure:
          1. Principals:
            1. Conduct an immediate assessment confirming the type of incident, what has happened, what is happening, who is involved, etc.
            2. Summon help from law enforcement if the situation represents a danger to students or staff.
              1. Call 911.
              2. Have someone stay on line with 911 to explain the current situation and update status.
            1. Sound school warning to school staff.
              1. Announcement of a lockdown over the intercom system.
              2. Notify Superintendent's office.
              3. Institute Lockdown procedure.
              1. Wait for law enforcement to arrive.
              2. Stabilize elements of situation if safe to do so., e.g. gather school staff assigned to emergency duties; direct non-essential staff to safe area; use building level first aid to care for injured ; provide staff with instructions and information as soon as possible; and protect crime scene and evidence.
              3. Work with law enforcement to resolve situation, e.g. stay at command post, provide information.
              4. Work with Crisis Response Team.
              5. Signal "All Clear" and follow up with staff, e.g. see that emergency medical care is provided , account for all students and staff on or off site; notify parents/guardians as necessary; support law enforcement follow-up activities; debrief staff; arrange for site security if necessary.
              6. Work with specialists, e.g. ambulance or hospital staff; law enforcement officials.
              7. Initiate recovery and follow-up activities, e.g. brief staff and provide access to support; plan for resumption of schools; arrange to clean and repair school facilities; establish long term recovery plan.
          1. Teacher's Emergency Procedure: Upon hearing an announcement for a lockdown the teacher shall do the following.
            1. Initiate Lockdown procedure.
            2. Shelter in place.
            3. Use basic duck and cover techniques: lie flat, face down, on floor; cover head, get under tables/desks if possible.
            4. In classrooms, stay away from windows, doors, and outer walls; watch for shattered glass. Close drapes/curtains/blinds ONLY if safe to do so.
              1. Turn out lights.
              2. In open areas, use objects immediately available in the open (tree, bushes, walls, etc.) For shelter; lie down, stay motionless.
              3. Be ready to move students instantly; know possible escape routes, including windows.
              4. If current location is judged too dangerous, move to possible alternate locations in other rooms or areas in the building, when it is safe to do so.
              5. If possible, report status to office.
            1. If you and students are taken hostage:
              1. Stay calm.
              2. Do not be a hero.
              3. Follow instructions of captor.
              4. Cooperate, be friendly if possible; do not argue with or antagonize captor or other hostages.
              5. Inform captors of medical or other needs.
              6. Be prepared to wait; elapsed time is a good sign.
              7. Do not try to escape; do not try to resolve situation by force.
              8. Be observant and remember everything you see and hear.
              9. If a rescue takes place, lie on the floor and await instructions from rescuers.
          1. School Disturbances Dealing with Intruders: All school personnel and students should be instructed to report any intruder on the school campus to the office immediately. When incidents involving an intruder occur, it is imperative that staff and students be observant and attentive and then determine the appropriate course of action to secure the school premises and protect students and staff. Should a disturbance take place on campus involving individuals who are not students, the following procedures should be followed:
            1. Report the incident to the office;
            2. Office personnel should call 911 to report the incident:
              1. Explain the situation and the type of disturbance;
              2. Describe the location of the activity;
              3. A description of the participants and the number;
              4. A description of the type and number of weapons possibly in the possession of the participants.
            1. While awaiting the arrival of law enforcement:
              1. Remain calm, use good judgment;
              2. Tell all students involved in the disturbance to return to their classes. Attempt to keep students in their classrooms, but do not use force. Keep halls clear of students.
              3. Isolate individuals who are not students; however, do not put yourself or other staff members at risk.
              4. Keep hands off students unless restraint is needed to provide safety for individuals who are members of the student body.
              5. Once law enforcement officials arrive, follow their instructions.
              6. If members of the student body have taken part in this disturbance, determine the extent of their involvement. If students are active participants in the disturbance, follow the school discipline policy to determine consequences for behavior.
            1. Trespasser: A trespasser is any person found on school premises who will not register as a visitor. All visitors should register in the school office (listing their name and the time entered the building) and be given a visitor identification to wear or carry. Treat those without identification in the following manner:
              1. Greet visitor in a polite and non-threatening manner.
              2. Identify yourself as a school official.
              3. Inquire as to purpose of his/her presence. If the person has a legitimate reason for being on campus, have them report to the office and register.
              4. Inform the visitor of visiting policy
              5. If visitor gives no indication of voluntarily reporting to the office, notify law enforcement by calling 911.
              6. Observe the person's size, weight, clothing, age and location to relay to the emergency operator.


        1. Intruders/Students with Weapons :
          1. School policy prohibits anyone from carrying, exhibiting or displaying a weapon in school.
          2. If staff become aware of the presence of a weapon, the following procedure should be followed:
            1. Report information to principal's office at once.
            2. In no case should staff endanger themselves or others to secure a weapon.
            3. The office should contact law enforcement upon information of the existence of a weapon on school grounds.
            4. Escort the person with the weapon to the school office if possible.
          1. When a serious threat of immediate harm to students or staff is identified on campus, the Superintendent will initiate a Lockdown. A call will immediately be made to 911. After the Lockdown alarm is sounded, the Command Center will notify the administration of the situation via radio, phones or other available methods.
          2. Staff Member or Student Hears Gunshots or Sees Someone with a Gun:
            1. Immediately initiate a Lockdown Procedure, even if the Lockdown alarm has not sounded.
            2. Notify the administration using your classroom phone (use a cell phone, telephone, e-mail or whatever communication is available inside the locked down room). Do not exit the room in order to send notification; do not send runners to the office.
            3. Do not exit the room to investigate the situation. Wait for further instructions from the administration or civil authorities.
          1. Armed Individual Comes into the Classroom (See also Hostage Situation below):
            1. If possible, notify the administration of the situation. Do not place yourself or students at risk to notify anyone of the situation.
            2. Do as the gunman demands.
            3. Do not make sudden moves which could frighten the subject (ask permission to move).
            4. Never argue.
            5. Take your time.
            6. Keep your students as calm as possible.
            7. Physical force should not be used unless someone's life is in imminent danger.
            8. Talk to the gunman.
            9. Learn as much as you can about the gunman.
            10. Keep the gunman's attention on you, not on your students.
            11. If more than one person is involved, concentrate on only the one person.
            12. Be observant.
            13. Do not stare at the gunman in observing him/her.
            14. Mentally record a detailed description of the individual and the weapon.
            15. Identify a distinctive feature and continue to concentrate on that one item.
            16. Remember what objects the intruder touches and preserve them for law enforcement.
            17. It is critically important to preserve the crime scene and never touch or move or disturb any possible evidence or objects at that site.
            18. If the gunman starts shooting, tell the students to get down and lie on the floor.
            19. Take cover on the floor and/or behind equipment.
        1. Hostage Situation Protocol :
          1. Hostage Crisis Prevention Plan: Hostage-taking is a criminal offense that must be reported. Once reported, the local police take over the investigation and resolution of the situation. It is important for school personnel to be aware of this fact for once the police arrive on the scene, the school staff must work under their authority. Hostage-taking situations in schools usually involve persons who are in conflict with the law, who feel themselves aggrieved, or who are mentally ill. As precautionary measures against a hostage crisis, the school district maintains a positive relationship with local law enforcement officials. In addition, the district has implemented both district level and building level crisis response plans. The objectives of the crisis response plan are to resolve a hostage crisis while insuring:
            1. The protection of life and prevention of injury.
            2. The safety and welfare of hostages.
            3. The restoration of order and protection of property.
            4. The identification of participants and possible prosecution.
          1. The line of command in the event of a hostage-taking situation is as follows:
            1. Superintendent;
            2. Building Principal;
            3. Other Principal designated by Superintendent

[It must be noted that orders given by a hostage under conditions of duress (e.g., if the hostage is the Principal) are not to be followed, regardless of who gives them and where they fall in the chain of command, except to save lives.]

          1. Personnel Responsibilities in Hostage Situation: If an employee is taken hostage, he/she should:
            1. Do everything a captor says to do.
            2. Go slow and attempt to develop a relationship.
            3. Speak only when spoken to and never make wisecracks.
            4. Try not to show emotions openly. Hostage-takers like to play on emotional weaknesses.
            5. Sit down, if possible, to avoid appearing aggressive.
            6. Act relaxed as this posture may relax the captor.
            7. Weigh carefully any chance to escape to be sure that escape is certain and will not endanger anyone else.
            8. Have faith in fellow workers and negotiators.
            9. Do not make any suggestions to the hostage-taker(s). If the victim's suggestions go wrong, the hostage-taker may think that the victim tried to create problems.
            10. Do not turn away from the captor unless ordered to do so, and try to keep eye contact without staring. People are less likely to harm someone at whom they are looking.
            11. Be patient.
          1. Personnel Responsibilities in Hostage Situation: The first employee to identify a hostage-taking situation should:
            1. Secure the immediate area, if possible, by removing all nonparticipating persons.
            2. Secure the door, if appropriate, to isolate the incident.
            3. Notify by the quickest possible means the administrator who notifies the police or notify the policy directly.
            4. Observe in order to report fully on:
              1. the number of hostages taken
              2. the type of disturbance
              3. the type and number of participants
              4. the type and number of weapons possibly in possession of participants
            1. Make specific notes of any threats or demands
            2. Do not speak to the media unless authorized to do so.
          1. Identification and Reaction to Hostage Situation: When police and administrative staff arrive, the following information should be available:
            1. number of hostages taken
            2. threats and demands by hostage-taker
            3. type and number of weapons thought to be in the hostage-taker's possession
            4. precise area controlled by hostage-taker
            5. a floor plan of the area and be prepared to identify possible escape routes and guard post locations
            6. identify and description of participants, with photographs if possible (both the suspects and the victims)
            7. location and number of telephones in the area
            8. any special considerations (room construction, hazardous materials, dangerous gases, etc.)
            9. Be prepared to identify rooms for use by school administrative staff and the police negotiators: a command room, a hostage debriefing room and a think room. These rooms should be close together and linked by telephone.
          1. Hostage Negotiations: Two key factors to keep in mind when dealing with a hostage situation. Try to calm the situation and provide enough time for a safe conclusion. Negotiations with hostage-takers are best handled by the police who have personnel trained for such negotiations. If the school staff must enter into negotiations with hostage-takers before the police arrive, the following should be borne in mind:
            1. Negotiations when possible should be conducted by junior rank personnel in order to assist in the use of delay tactics, such as "I'll ask," or "I'll seek clarification."
            2. All demands are to be met with an "I'll do my best," never with a "No".
            3. Under no circumstances should drugs be given to any parties involved in a hostage-taking situation.
            4. Every effort should be made to regain control of the situation by peaceful means (e.g., through discussion).
            5. Staff members on duty should not hesitate to contact those staff members who are familiar with and have some influence over the persons involved in the hostage situation, even though they may not be on duty.
            6. The administrator and the police must be the principals in any decision-making process with regard to the handling of the hostage-taking situation.
            7. Remain calm.
            8. Do not use your title, only your name.
            9. Determine what the hostage-taker wants.
            10. Do not accept demands for alcohol, drugs, weapons, or substitute hostages.
            11. Offer alternatives.
            12. Downplay the seriousness of the incident.
            13. Do not bluff.
            14. Attempt to keep the conversation going. Keep Talking.
            15. Repeat any questions or demands the hostage-taker may have (so they can hear what was said and to make sure you are clear).
            16. Avoid deadlines.
            17. Talk to hostages, if possible. (Ask them yes/no questions).



        1. Disturbances After Hours/School Activities : Students attending after-hour school activities are under the same rules and school policies as those followed during the regular school day.
          1. Minor incidents should be isolated and contained, if possible, by available supervisory personnel.
          2. Call law enforcement authorities immediately if a series of minor incidents occur, if a minor incident sparks a larger disturbance, or a major crisis develops.
        1. Death of a Student or Staff Member : In the event of the death of a student or staff member, the Crisis Response Team will be available to assist with the crisis. Throughout the crisis, the response team will work on special student and staff needs and situations including, keeping parents and staff informed, establishing a plan for helping students and staff cope with the situation, and addressing community concerns and dealing with the media. The goal of the Crisis Response Team is to help the school community (administration, staff, students, parents) to deal with the loss with a minimal disruption to students, staff and the school program. In addition to the Crisis Response Team, the following procedures should be followed by school personnel:
          1. Administration: Upon being informed of the death of a student or staff member (or loss of significant other of a student or staff member), the administrator of the building where the student was enrolled or the staff member employed should follow the following protocol:
            1. Notify head of Crisis Response Team.
            2. Together, verify information regarding tragedy.
            3. Notify the Superintendent, if not already informed.
            4. Use the school emergency calling tree to notify staff of the tragedy, as well as time and place for an all-building staff meeting. At the all building staff meeting:
              1. Review procedures for referring students to the crisis team for counseling and support and location of crisis support area.
              2. Provide statement for staff to read to students once school starts for the day.
              3. Provide statement for secretaries to use in responding to inquiries.
              4. Check emotional needs of staff.
            1. Determine areas where crisis team members can meet with students; maintain list of students who are counseled for follow-up with parents.
            2. Cancel meetings/appointments that are not of an urgent nature.
            3. Keep staff updated on circumstances as new information becomes available.
            4. Identify staff who are in need of emotional support.
            5. Emphasize the need to use prepared statements to control rumors.
              1. Prepare a statement to be sent home with students.
              2. Provide brief factual information.
              3. Outline support that has been available throughout the day.
              4. When deemed appropriate, provide Death of Student or Staff Member Response Packet, Appendix "E", or Suicide Prevention or Response Packet, Appendix "F".
              5. Provide a contact number for assistance with any student concerns.
              6. Provide a meeting time and place for concerned parents if appropriate.
            1. Reschedule activities when necessary or appropriate.
            2. Contact the family personally and offer support and condolences.
            3. Refer media inquiries to the Superintendent's office or his/her designee.
            4. Arrange for appropriate staff to attend services.
            5. Arrange for remembrance from school (flowers, card, etc.).
            6. Plan and provide follow-up visits with the family.
            7. Work with parents and students to provide for a proper school memorial. Avoid immortalizing the student with memorial displays in the school building or dedication of pages in the student yearbook or newspaper.

h. Vicious Animal on School Grounds : In the event there is determined to be a vicious animal (such as a dog) on school grounds, on property immediately adjacent to school grounds, or reported to be in the vicinity of the school campus, all students and personnel should be directed inside the school building. If the animal is observed, local animal control or law enforcement should be called, and informed of the location of the animal, a description of the animal and its conduct. Students and staff should remain in the building until the animal is removed

  1. Building Security: The physical security of the school buildings of the district shall be the responsibility of the Administration. In establishing and maintaining a secure environment for students without diminishing the learning environment, the Administration shall address the following issues:
    1. Access Control : Access to school buildings during the school day, for school activities and during non-school hours shall be designed to account for and control all visitors to the school buildings. Basic visitor control shall include:
      1. Limited access points into the building.
      2. Posted signs directing visitors to the school office, with directions and/or floor plans.
      3. School staff should be trained to assertively challenge visitors and strangers observed in their building. Visitors should be greeted, questioned, identified and logged in at the office.
      4. Provide identification badges and escorts for visitors.
      5. Sign out visitors in a log book when they leave the school building.
      6. Train staff to challenge visitors and students to report strangers.
    1. Communications : The school intercom and alarm systems shall be used for general communications of building security or emergency issues. Additionally, identified staff members will be issued radios and cellular phones to provide back-up communication systems for the building.
    2. Identification Systems : Identification cards will be issued to and worn by all students and staff, and issued for all motor vehicles brought by students and staff on the school premises. Such identification cards shall be worn each school day and at all school activities by the staff. Students shall have their student identification card with them at all times. Motor vehicles not exhibiting an appropriate identification sticker are subject to being towed at the owner's expense.
    3. Intrusion Detection Systems : Intrusion detection systems or alarms should be kept in operating order at all times.
    4. Inventory Control : All personal property of the school district shall have permanently affixed or engraved an inventory identification number along with the school district's name. An inventory of all school district property should be conducted on a regular basis.
    5. Key and Lock Control : Classroom doors and storage rooms should all have operative locks. Keys to school district buildings and rooms should be issued only to staff. Staff should clearly understand that no duplicates are to be made of school keys. Students are not to be issued or allowed access to keys. All classrooms should be locked when not occupied. Storage rooms should be kept locked at all times.
    6. Perimeter and Outside Security : Inspections of the perimeter and outside of school buildings should be conducted during the school day and at night. Trees and shrubs should be kept trimmed so as to keep lines of sight open to all portions of the school campus and prevent their use for access into and on top of the building.
    7. Protective Lighting : The school building exterior shall be lighted in a manner which shall provide school personnel with the ability to monitor all exterior areas at night, and provide a deterrent to prospective vandals and other trespassers. Such lighting should be maintained in operative condition at all times.
    1. Signage : Outside signs should include notices prohibiting trespassing, identifying drug-free and weapon-free zones, providing directions to visitors, and identifying specific entrances available to the public. Signs inside the school should include clear directions to the office and identification of different wings, program areas and facilities.
  1. Safety and Emergency Equipment and Supplies:
    1. Communication Equipment :
      1. Radios, Cellular Phones, and Beepers : Administrators and others assigned radios, cell phones and beepers shall keep them accessible at all times when they are on campus. Those assigned cell phones and beepers shall retain the equipment on their person and active at all times (twenty-four (24) hours per day). Adequate radios will be made available for at least one (1) on-duty staff member to be radio-equipped on each playground or area where students are located during any portion of the day. PE teachers, when on the field, will be issued radios. Teachers who are assigned before or after school patrol duty will carry their assigned radios.
      2. Alarm System : The maintenance department is responsible for keeping all emergency equipment functioning, including radios and the alarm system. A breakdown in either system is to be considered the top priority above all else.
      3. Bullhorns : Bullhorns shall be kept in the Principals' offices and one in the Central Office.
    1. Disaster Equipment and Emergency Supplies : A supply of hard hats will be maintained by the Maintenance Department for the Crisis Response Team and maintenance worker use in case of a disaster where their use is necessary. Maintenance shall also maintain in inventory in good operational order the equipment and supplies listed on Appendix "K".
    2. First Aid Supplies : The school nurse or Superintendent's office shall order and maintain an up-to-date inventory of the first aid supplies and kits listed on Appendix "L". Notice of the location of such first aid kits shall be posted with the Emergency Response Packet in each classroom and office.
    3. Emergency Response Packets : There shall be an Emergency Response Packet secured to the door of each classroom, on the inside of each door. Teachers are responsible for making sure that such Emergency Response Packet is in their classroom at all times.